We are using CI pipe builded on CodeShip and Rancher to manage our machines/cointainers.
Since few weeks we are experienced issues with pulling some images from our private repository.
The names are 100% correct, error message from Rancher:
Expected state running but got error: Error response from daemon: repository userfeeds/apps-ranking-fillers-neo4j-claims not found: does not exist or no pull access
Expected state running but got error: Error response from daemon: repository userfeeds/apps-ranking-queue not found: does not exist or no pull access
In our CI process we are pulling multiple images from our private repository, this error occur for some images, in the same time pulling another without any problems.
All images are pulled using the same credentials in the build process, I don’t understand why some images are available and some are not, does Docker Hub limits access to our repo ?
Image to confirm that this image exists in repo.