im trying to rebuild my containers, but im getting errors when pulling the images for both pgadmin4 and postgres:17.
OS Windows 11, Docker Desktop 4.37.1 (178610)
The error is happening suddenly, i was rebuilding the containers last friday without any issue and as far as i can tell, nothing in my docker-compose.yml changed that would cause this.
This is the error details:
{“errors”:[{“code”:“UNAUTHORIZED”,“message”:“authentication required”,“detail”:[{“Type”:“repository”,“Class”:“”,“Name”:“dpage/pgadmin4”,“Action”:“pull”}]}]}
I am logged in docker (although that wasnt neccessary on friday either). Is theres something going wrong in general?
Thank you very much in advance.
I resolved it by docker system prune -a. Seems like something old got stuck in some way. Since its just a dev machine anyways i dont mind.