Hi, I’m new to dockers and i have a problem.
i tries to pull the hello world image from docker hub, and make my own. but every time i try to run any image, it immidietly stop. i really dont know what to do.
does anyone knows how to fix it?
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Hi, I’m new to dockers and i have a problem.
i tries to pull the hello world image from docker hub, and make my own. but every time i try to run any image, it immidietly stop. i really dont know what to do.
does anyone knows how to fix it?
Hello norsie,
Does it display a hello world like message before stopping ?
The purpose of this image is to just display a message. After that it will stop.
Best Regards,
Hello fouscou,
Actually I tried to run it with the desktop program.
It runs for a seconds and the running is immidietly ends.
I upload a picture to help you understand.
thank you.
i press the play button, the image status changes to running for a second and immidietly changes back to exited
Hello norsie,
Below is the message of the hello-world image : docker run hello-world
Unable to find image ‘hello-world:latest’ locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
0e03bdcc26d7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:6a65f928fb91fcfbc963f7aa6d57c8eeb426ad9a20c7ee045538ef34847f44f1
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
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I ran the command from the terminal. The image just dsiplay that message and then stops.
Try to run from the terminal and what it is displaying.
Best Regards,
Hello fouscou.
I ran the command on windows powershell and i got this response:
is that means there is something wrong?
Hello norsie,
Everything is fine. The container run from this image will just display that output and exit.
That is how it is designed.
When you run a container, docker tries to find the image locally first.
If he does not find the image locally it will pull it from the docker hub. that is why it is displaying that message from my command execution : unable to find image ‘hello-world:latest’ locally
Best Regards,
Hello fouscou.
ok that is good to hear.
now if i may. i have another problem. i tried to create an image of .net framework console application that i made (nothing fancy), i tried to run it and i got this response:
do you know what is the best way to make an image from c# console app (no web api but it does use Newtonsoft.json nuget package), and the best way to run it? thank you!
Hello Norsie,
Incase you know about Dockerfile. Then read further:
You should have a working .NET app and a dockerfile specifying command to run a .NET app.
For example, I have a java program written in HelloWorld.java file. Then, I can simply configure a file called Dockerfile to run my program as part of docker image.
Procudure is that, I create a file as mentioned below and name is Dockerfile and then mention my filename and the command to compile the program i.e. javac HellWorld.java and the comand to run the java program i.e. java HelloWorld in the below dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:7
RUN mkdir p ~/Code
COPY ./HelloWorld.java /Code
RUN javac HelloWorld.java
CMD [“java”, “HelloWorld”]
Similarly, you can put .net command to run a .net program inside a dockerfile. Then just spin up an image using dockerfile to run your .net app