CentOS docker-ce.repo Error/Down

no access to CENTOS Repository, any ideas?


403 Forbidden

  • Code: AccessDenied
  • Message: Access Denied
  • RequestId: F830D7FB984A8F62
  • HostId: 5Xq1clG6r+tx4PYnNlp4eGQPhA9k7laqd7Oi67BD5S665v6lKE4nqg35l1LGz2LfiAbSn8yk6Y0=

An Error Occurred While Attempting to Retrieve a Custom Error Document

  • Code: NoSuchKey
  • Message: The specified key does not exist.
  • Key: error.html

Nor can we install as access to repmod.xml is broken too.

What is your OS Version/build?

It’s safe in the sense that you are pulling things down from an official CentOS repository.

It’s safe in the sense that you are pulling things down from an official Cent OS repository!

This issue should have been fixed several days ago.

Hi, although it’s fixed but the baseurl in the repo was populated incorrectly. I’ve tried to use it recently, but it’s failing to install the docker because of wrong repo configuration.

repo: https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo

should be:

Would some bring this up to Docker team please.