All the usernames, password, IPs etc here are fake.
I am running Docker Desktop on Windows 11 - let’s call it “local machine”.
There is another machine running Windows 11 - let’s call it “remote machine”. It has IP “”. Its hostname is REMOTEHOST.
I am logged in on the local machine with a domain user MYDOMAINUSER. MYDOMAINUSER’s domain is MYDOMAIN (as given by environment variable USERDOMAIN). Env variable USERDNSDOMAIN is “Mydomain.Foo.Bar”.
I am also logged in on the remote machine with the same domain user MYDOMAIN\MYDOMAINUSER. The password is My!P@55w0rd
I created a folder in location C:/Users/MYDOMAINUSER/share on the remote machine and shared it with MYDOMAIN\MYDOMAINUSER.
On the local machine I am doing the following:
docker volume create \
--driver local \
--opt type=cifs \
--opt device=// \
--opt "o=username=MYDOMAINUSER,domain=MYDOMAIN,password=My!P@55w0rd" \
--name cif-volume
I then run:
docker run --mount source=cif-volume,target=/mount_point mycontainer
This result in an error:
docker: Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume ‘/var/lib/docker/volumes/cif-volume/_data’: failed to mount local volume: mount //, data: o=username=MYDOMAINUSER,domain=MYDOMAIN,password=My!P@55w0rd: permission denied.
How to correctly create this volume?
Additional information:
I can successfully log into the remote machine using Window’s remote desktop tool with user MYDOMAIN\MYDOMAINUSER and password My!P@55w0rd
On the local machine, when I enter \REMOTEHOST\Users\MYDOMAINUSER\share into the Windows file explorer I see the contents of the shared folder.
When I create NONDOMAINUSER user on the remote machine, create folder C:\Users\NONDOMAINUSER\share and share it with MYDOMAIN\MYDOMAINUSER and then on the local machine I run
docker volume create \
--driver local \
--opt type=cifs \
--opt device=// \
--opt "o=username=NONDOMAINUSER,password=passwordofthenondomainuser" \
--name cif-volume-nondomain
I then run:
docker run --mount source=cif-volume-nondomain,target=/mount_point mycontainer
It works and the container can access the contents of /mount_point