"Cloudstor" volume plugin missing

hi @ddebroy,
I did the steps mentioned here to install the plugin:

docker plugin install --alias cloudstor:azure --grant-all-permissions docker4x/cloudstor:azure-v17.03.0-ce CLOUD_PLATFORM=AZURE AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY="***" AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT="***"

It works, but! when i have 2 service containers running on the same node that uses the same mount, i am getting an error

starting container failed: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/plugins/1165f4763631bcbebedf59d107f99b9013dc2c210db388172c8815fa61eacba3/rootfs': VolumeDriver.Mount: mount failed: exit status 32
output="mount error(16): Resource busy\nRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)\nmount: mounting //hashspotprodmachinesdata.file.core.windows.net/6518c5505abe4a487674c76b823804da on /mnt/cloudstor/applogs failed: Resource busy\n""

that the cloudstor supports such situation when 2 containers running on the same node with same mapping?
(again - if i will have 2 nodes each running one container using cloudstor it will work,
but if i will have 2 nodes and one of them tries to run to containers with same cloudstor mapping - it will fail).