Completely deleting volume and data

Hello all! Docker newbie’ish here. I came across an issue that I haven’t been able to find specific ways to solve. I was modifying a postgres config file in a container and rather than append, I apparently overwrote it. Whoops. I tried repulking the image, completely deleted the volume, container and image but everytime I pull the image from docker-compose, I get the same container with the gunked config. How do I completely blow away all remnants of that image (postgres13) from the host machine so that it is forced to rebuild completely. I’ve tried docker rmi and other commands that are supposed to completely obliterate the volume but somewhere, remnants are there. Thanks!

The bazooka is docker system prune --force --volumes to remove anything.

docker volume prune for just volumes…

Guess it is bazooka time. I did do a prune but didn’t go into it with anger.