I want implement send email in the machine which uses docker image.
so is there any command or script that i can in dockerfile and push the image and use it for machine so that i can test send email feature on th machine.
Please assist on this, thank you
What? Please rephrase
I would like to include email configuration step in docker file
Please elaborate, what do you mean by email configuration?
What are you trying to achieve?
We have POD , if that POD is down we want to send email. so how we can configure email notification with in that POD. ?
A. That does not have anything to do with the dockerfile, rather with your deployment
B. Docker does not have pods, Podman and Kubernetes do. It would be better to ask in the forum relevant to the tool you’re using
As for docker, there’s no such native configuration, but there should be plenty of services that do that, like uptime kuma