Hi. I’m trying to move configuration to an Ubuntu VM using Vagrant and Docker so I can recreate locally when needed.
I have this in the Vagrantfile…
config.vm.provision "docker" do |d|
d.pull_images "eclipse-mosquitto"
d.run "mosquitto",
args: "--restart=always -it -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 -v /vagrant/data/mosquitto/config:/mqtt/config -v /vagrant/data/mosquitto/log:/mqtt/log -v /vagrant/data/mosquitto/data:/mqtt/data toke/mosquitto"
Install seems to go ok but …
I’m unable to connect to the Mosquitto Broker using a device that is set up to send messages to a broker. The only change on the device is the hostname - here I use the ip address of the VM
I can connect to broker using telnet on my local to the port 1883. When I check
docker logs mosquitto
I see the attempted connection. I don’t see the same when using the device.
Is there a reason why the device is unable to connect?