Connecting to docker containers from other host


I am new to docker as well as I don’t have much knowledge regarding networking. Now, here is the scenario, I am in a private network and have 2 machines ( and I have my docker engine running on 163.96 . I created a new container that runs LDAP using docker run and the container gets the ip
My command :
docker run -i -t -p 50389:389 -p 50636:636 myLDAPapplication /bin/bash

Now I want to connect to this container from 163.129, so that I can perform ldap operations from this host instead of 163.96. I have exposed port 389 and 636 in my dockerfile and mapped these ports to 50389 and 50636 respectively as you can see in the command. But still I am unable to connect to the container from 163.129.
However from inside the container, I am able to ping 163.129 machine.

Can anyone please help me in setting up this kind of setup??

Once you actually start the server, other systems should be able to see it on ports 50389 and 50636.

Does your host OS have a restrictive firewalling policy (e.g., CentOS/RHEL)? You might need to open those two ports in the firewall.

Is the other host,, actually on the same network (a /24 or larger)? Can you connect to other services, like an sshd, running on the host?

@dmaze Thanks
I guess I did something wrong previously because it is listening to that port 50389 on 163.96 now. But now I am contacting to 163.96. Is there any way, where I can directly contact the container, instead of contacting 163.96 through ports, because, I would require to set up multiple containers and remembering port nos for all containers will be a bit of confusing and cumbersome.

@abhaykumarsomani you can use the “–net=host” option on the run command. This will connect the container to the host’s network (the network) instead of the Docker bridge (the network).

The container will then receive a 165.98.x.x address instead of and you’ll be able to connect to it directly on ports 389 and 636. You can also lose the -p switches from the docker run command.

But in this case also, my problem would be same…if I setup multiple containers, everyone will listen on host( only. I am looking for a way to differentiate these containers.

No, putting the containers on the host network would result in each container being directly accessible with its own 165.98.x.x address.