Connection Google Colab -> Docker does not work after restart


i am new to Colab and Docker. I am using a Colab/Docker combination to run image to 3D model AI. My problem is that it works fine until i restart the container, then the connection from Colab to Docker does not work anymore.

I set up the image and container using this Google Colab

When trying to connect to local runtime after a restard Colab tells me to that the connection does not work. I think the token does not change after the restart so there must be another problem.

Using this command line

docker run -p

just creates another container which i then can connect to but this does not contain the files i worked on in the old container.

Question: What am i doing wrong? Can i connect my “old” container or do i have to create a new one as copy of the old one? What would be the command lines for this?
