Container debugging

Hello All,

I am trying to debug a docker based container running in an external device.
With gdb, I am able to perform this, but to do interactively with VS Code, I am not able establish the connection.
What could be the reason? Can anyone list the steps to be performed?
Following are the steps I have performed.

  1. Run the container in interactive way in the external device
    docker run -v /root/usr/local:/usr/local --privileged --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -it crash_instance /bin/sh
  2. Added the launch.json file in VS Code
  3. Done SSH Port forwarding.
  4. Start debugging from the VS Code

Another query: If there is a business license, is there any mail ID’s where I can get quicker response?