Container Upgrade


I would like to know if there is anyway to upgrade running container.

The reason am asking is, i have created images and given to the customer, and later few issues found in my product image. We have fixed the issue( Fix contains: Configuration changes, File changes, Database changes …etc) and would like to shift only the fix, Instead of giving one more new image with fix.

It is good if there is anyway upgrade support is available.

Please suggest.

Hi !

if you are using docker 1.12, you can use the bundle feature :

or you can simply export your image (tar format) and import into the docker host of your client.

ultimately, you can use a registry in with you can push to and your client pull from

Hoping this helps,

If using docker service you don’t necessarily need to use bundles either. You could just docker service update --image me/img:newtag myservice

At any rate, you’ll need some variant of “kill the running container and create/start a new one with a new image”.