COPY failed: CreateFile \\?\C:\ProgramData\Docker\tmp\docker

Getting below error message while running docker build

Digest: sha256:8bd7808981568a92b7f1d0aa4bab07ef811e6417898847d9caf698a4a788ab11
Status: Downloaded newer image for microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0
—> 727beec5468a
Step 2/20 : ARG proxy=
—> Running in 24ce3cbe65aa
Removing intermediate container 24ce3cbe65aa
—> 2616594caf69
Step 3/20 : ENV http_proxy=$proxy
—> Running in 6dacbd5356e5
Removing intermediate container 6dacbd5356e5
—> 2f0f531fb009
Step 4/20 : ENV https_proxy=$proxy
—> Running in c040fe763141
Removing intermediate container c040fe763141
—> 8db86c3355bd
Step 5/20 : WORKDIR /app
—> Running in 57bc906b28f7
Removing intermediate container 57bc906b28f7
—> 08816b4e3233
Step 6/20 : EXPOSE 80
—> Running in a9902e0abc14
Removing intermediate container a9902e0abc14
—> 60536d0bd4f7
Step 7/20 : EXPOSE 443
—> Running in 88cd88c9af0d
Removing intermediate container 88cd88c9af0d
—> dceb897995cb
Step 8/20 : FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 AS build
—> 6fdbdc1e577f
Step 9/20 : ARG proxy=
—> Using cache
—> d693826d8eb4
Step 10/20 : ARG build_version=0.0.0
—> Using cache
—> 9b9f409feccf
Step 11/20 : ENV http_proxy=$proxy
—> Using cache
—> 1df193563e7a
Step 12/20 : ENV https_proxy=$proxy
—> Using cache
—> e82c78e3df10
Step 13/20 : WORKDIR /src
—> Using cache
—> 032d795a5438
Step 14/20 : COPY src/ .
COPY failed: CreateFile \?\C:\ProgramData\Docker\tmp\docker-builder806144732\src: The system cannot find the file specified.

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  • :whale: :arrow_right: Settings :arrow_right: Diagnose & Feedback :arrow_right: Open Issues.

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