Create my own docker environement doesn't work

Hello everyone,

I’m quite new at docker, and I’d like to create a docker environement with exactly the same configuration as my production server one. My docker will be used as a local development environement for one specific R Shiny Server application.

Here are my settings :

  • I’m working locally on Windows 7
  • Server is Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
  • Server R version : 3.5.1

I was managed to use rocker/rstudio, but it doesn’t allow me to deal with R versions; furthermore, it’s based on Debian distribution.

So, quite innocently, I tried to build my own Dockerfile based on already existing Dockerfiles, to perform installation from Ubuntu -> R -> RStudio + Shiny server.

My Dockerfile is built successfully, but I get the following error when I try to run it with the following command line :

 docker run -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=Mypswd -v /c/Users/njeanray/Documents/Myproject:/home/rstudio/myproject rstudio:R3.5.1


It’s quite weird because I’ve taken the code from Dockerfile rocker/rstudio, and running rocker/rstudio works…
How can I manage to run my environment from Ubuntu 18.04, with R 3.5.1 and RStudio ?

Many thanks in advance,

Best regards