Creating an docker image having multiple softwares such as postgres,nodejs and having SSL certifcates

Greetings to All,

Am pretty new to the docker world and have a peculiar infrastructure that needs to be dockerized, Appreciate for the suggestions on Approach to be taken.

Some back ground of the application that needs to be containerized.
Content Connect is a connector that provides a technology bridge between Microsoft
Office desktop or web applications and Documentum repositories. As an
administrator, you install and configure Content Connect, and provide it to users as
an Microsoft Office add-in for their applications.
With Content Connect, users can use Microsoft Word desktop or web applications to
add folders to repositories, create documents and import these into repositories, and
lock and unlock repository files for editing and submit updated versions.
Content Connect also enables users to use Microsoft Outlook desktop or web
applications to open emails and import these and their attachments into repositories.
Or, users can compose emails and add files from repositories as attachments. In
addition, users can perform searches, view and edit file metadata properties, and
add files to Favorites.

Deployment steps:


You need to install the following prerequisites before installing Content Connect:
• NodeJS
Download and install NodeJS ( and configure it to run in
HTTPS mode.
• Database: PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL
Download and install the supported database.

2.2 Installing Content Connect
After the prerequisites are completed, install Content Connect.

To install Content Connect:

  1. Download and extract the contents of the Content Connect binary.

  2. Use trusted certificate issued by a Certification Authority (CA) and key files to
    configure Content Connect server to run in HTTPS mode.

  3. Navigate to the Content Connect folder and run the following command from
    the command prompt to copy the certificate location and name to the Content
    Connect database configuration file:

node initialize.js certificate <keypath/key.pem> <certpath/cert.pem>

Example: node initialize.js certificate C:/ssl/sslkey.pem C:/ssl/sslkey-cert.pem

Note: Ensure that you specify the absolute path for the certificate and key

  1. Run the following commands from the command prompt:
    • To initialize database configuration:

node initialize.js dbconfig

Example: node initialize.js dbconfig localhost 5432 content_connect_db Administrator Password@123 mssql

is the IP address of the machine where the database is installed
is the port for database
is the port for database
is the username for database
is the password for database
can be set as postgres for PostGreSQL and mssql for Microsoft SQL

• To create a database as specified in the previous step:
node initialize.js database

• To create an Admin User to access the Admin Console:
node initialize.js adminuser

This creates a default user with “Administrator” as both user name and
password. Administrators can change their login credentials in the Admin

We need to dockerize the application deployment , please share the the suggestions and how we can use docker and create a image which takes care of all the deployment