CredStore restores to desktop on docker/windows restart


On my system whenever I restart system/docker, the credStore overrides the default value to: “desktop”. (Removes my custom library name or wincred for example)
This was the value initially in config.json
I changed this to

This works fine till the time docker/system is restarted. On restart of system the credsStore value is again overridden to “desktop”.
Is there a way to avoid this ?

This is a known issue with some suggested possible solutions:

I had a look at same. Only working solution is to make config.json readonly. However we would need to make it editable once we start store operations, else the store operation fails for docker login. It would need some effort to mark it editable/non-editable based on case by case.
I hope this gets fixed soon. Will try to manage somehow till then. Thanks for the suggestions