Custom implementation for container orchestration in Docker swarm

I need to perform certain experiments where I have to implement a custom docker orchestration algorithm based on nature-inspired optimizations. I just need to have pods scheduled at whichever node I want in a docker service.
Is there a way to modify the docker swarm preexisting algorithm?
Where should I start looking for the solutions?
Is there a plugin that can be plugged for extensions to docker swarm?


Sure, fork and modify code in the manager/scheduler folder. Once you are done, you need to fork moby and modify it to use your swarmkit repo when building/packagin your forked mody distribution :slight_smile:

Thers is no extension to create your own plugin.

Thanks for the reply. I think this is what is required by me.
Are you aware of any design documentation for the swarmkit project that might help in understanding the code base?

Any luck implementing the custom orchestration ? We are also looking to use swarm for docker networking. But want to use our own customized orchestration code rather than swarm. Wondering if there is an easy way to bi-pass the orchestration by swarm.

You can bypass the Swarm orchestration by simply manually starting local containers on your nodes. They can still be attached to the Docker Swarm Overlay Network.

So you can easily implement your own logic to place and spread containers on your nodes.

Seems people even try to replace the overlay (post).

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