I have pulled the docker image Debian:6.0 for specific old application migration
I’m working on Debian 10.7 and Docker version 20.10.2
When I try a
docker run --rm -it debian:6.0
, the container initialization crashes.
Docker events gives :
2021-01-29T09:55:36.638076728+01:00 container create 64b29ebe110e5233241bbe683728e163f92b8551039ba39a53166608a5ac65c6 (image=debian:6.0, name=gallant_jang)
2021-01-29T09:55:36.639382931+01:00 container attach 64b29ebe110e5233241bbe683728e163f92b8551039ba39a53166608a5ac65c6 (image=debian:6.0, name=gallant_jang)
2021-01-29T09:55:36.704842539+01:00 network connect 469c6876d0c29f9106d700b9be9089df5773bc71120998c1ce2e664a3ee0d62c (container=64b29ebe110e5233241bbe683728e163f92b8551039ba39a53166608a5ac65c6, name=bridge, type=bridge)
2021-01-29T09:55:37.059059960+01:00 container start 64b29ebe110e5233241bbe683728e163f92b8551039ba39a53166608a5ac65c6 (image=debian:6.0, name=gallant_jang)
2021-01-29T09:55:37.076969557+01:00 container die 64b29ebe110e5233241bbe683728e163f92b8551039ba39a53166608a5ac65c6 (exitCode=139, image=debian:6.0, name=gallant_jang)
2021-01-29T09:55:37.140984887+01:00 network disconnect 469c6876d0c29f9106d700b9be9089df5773bc71120998c1ce2e664a3ee0d62c (container=64b29ebe110e5233241bbe683728e163f92b8551039ba39a53166608a5ac65c6, name=bridge, type=bridge)
I’m not yet an expert in docker and I don’t know how to give more information as soon as the container itself crashes, so docker logs doesn’t help I beleive
If you can at first tel me if somewhere I’m doing it wrong or there is a problem. If this is a problem, where I should to report it ?. I have been working with docker for 2 months now and manage play with newer container that debian:6.0
Thank you in advance