Debian Docker Engine upgrade to Desktop version


i am using the docker engine since a few month successfully with 4 containers running on my debian bookworm system. i have just the engine installed like the description in docs of docker Install Docker Engine on Debian | Docker Docs and everything works fine via CLI.

Now i want to add the desktop enviroment and have installed it like Install Docker Desktop on Debian | Docker Docs. I can start it via Desktop and GUI is running but i cant see the running contains. I have checked it via CLI and i have following situation:

Desktop GUI is not running:
CLI interfcaes shows running containers via → “docker stats”

Start of Desktop GUI
“docker stats” show no running containers, but containers are still alive
“sudo docker stats” in CL shows the running containers now.

For me it looks like that the GUI switch the user and the containers to sudo.

How can i fix this?

Docker Desktop is not the UI, It is a complete separate Docker installation, where docker runs in a untility vm.

I am pretty sure that both these commands will return different output:

docker info --format '{{.DockerRootDir}}'
sudo docker info --format '{{.DockerRootDir}}'

You can see which context is currently selected by executing the command: docker context ls