I’ve been playing with docker for a project, and even if I’m starting to understand where it shines, I’m facing a few issues.
I’m booting two containers, a node and a mongo one. The node container mounts a source volume from the host so that code can be edited without having to rebuild the image and restart the container.
The issue there is that everytime I add a new dependency to my package.json, I have to rebuild the image and restart my containers. It is not that often, but I’m pretty sure there’s a better way to do.
I could have a sort of watcher in the container that reruns the dependency installation process, but I’m not sure it’s the best way to do. I could also use dependencies from the host (only in dev mode), but then I’d lose the advantages of bundling the dependencies in the image.
Is there a standard way to do ? What’s your opinion ?
Thanks in advance