We are using below docker version currently on RHELv7.6
docker version
Version: 18.03.1-ee-12
API Version: 1.37 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.12.12
Git commit: 80b1c96324
OS/Arch: linux/amd
Experimental: false
We are planning to upgrade the RHELv7.6 to RHEL7.8(now) and RHEL 7.9 (in near future). Could you please confirm if we can continue using same docker version on RHEL 7.8 and RHEL7.9 without needing any changes ?
Note : We were referring the compatibility matrix from below link but it mentions RHEL versions only till RHEL 7.7 and not later
As you use an enterprise engine, it should be safe to assume that you have an active enterprise subscription. Thus, why not raise a support ticket @Mirantis?
But it was giving access denied with my dockerhub credentials and for some reason its not even sending me password reset mail hence had to send out the query here. BTW would it be possible to confirm if above URL for raising docker support ticket is a valid one
I also wondering about this, as we about to upgrade the docker on swarm. I would like to know when upgrading from docker 17.x first to docker 18.x and then to 20.x, should we upgrade the RHEL first to latest and then upgrade docker? Or should we upgrade docker first to 18.x, and then to RHEL and then docker to 20.x?