I’m just starting out with docker and seem to have misunderstood something fundamental about building images. I want to use docker-compose to add a volume to an image. If I give it a CMD to list the volume in my Dockerfile I see that the volume - defined in my docker-compose.yml - has been mounted and the contents are there.
My issue is that I am using docker-compose up to trigger the build and the image just exits when the build is complete. If I then run the image via docker exec I no longer see the volume.
my Dockerfile:
FROM centos:latest
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
My docker-compose.yml:
version: '2'
build: .
- ../muse/muse_root/:/usr/local/bin/muse_root
command: ls /usr/local/bin
When I run docker-compose up -d I see this:
Starting docker_muse_1
Attaching to docker_muse_1
muse_1 | muse_root
docker_muse_1 exited with code 0
So I see that muse_root is mounted under /usr/local/bin. (I was expecting the image to keep on running in the background because of the -d but it exits and I don’t know why).
Having built the image I see it listed:
docker images
docker_muse latest cb1a6859f6e4 14 seconds ago 196.5 MB
When I log into the image though the volume is no longer mounted:
docker run -it docker_muse /bin/bash
[root@5150e5587dd5 /]# ls -l /usr/local/bin/
total 0
From what I’ve been reading I need to use the docker-compose.yml file to define the volume I want to mount. How do I get docker-compose up to bring up the image and keep it running with the volume in place?