"docker-compose up" failed


I’ve been running docker-compose build for days, many times per day, and haven’t changed my DOCKERFILEs or docker-compose.yml. I always got this error:

Here is the DOCKERFILE:

FROM debian:bookworm-slim

# Update and upgrade packages
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

# Install JDK and any needed utilities
RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jre-headless \
                       unzip curl procps vim net-tools \
                       python3 python3-pip python3.11-venv

# We will put everything in the /app directory

# Download and unzip client portal gateway
RUN mkdir gateway && cd gateway && \
    curl -O https://download2.interactivebrokers.com/portal/clientportal.gw.zip && \
    unzip clientportal.gw.zip && rm clientportal.gw.zip

# Copy our config so that the gateway will use it
COPY conf.yaml gateway/root/conf.yaml
COPY start.sh /app

ADD webapp webapp
ADD scripts scripts

How can I get my build working again?

Anyone cna help me here?

It seems the Docker Hub servers are blocked by the Chinese DNS, try a mirror.

Also, you’re using a version top-level property in your compose file, that’s deprecated

Note that docker-compose command is deprecated, the function has been moved to a plugin, it’s now docker compose (without the dash).

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They’re on Windows, so they’re using Docker Desktop, which sets up docker-compose as an alias to docker compose

wow,how do you know that I am from China. By the way, I am using the VPN everytime,I think that VPN can help me.

I know nothing about the "a version top-level property "

Here is this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRsH9TKveLo&t=910s
Here is the code: GitHub - hackingthemarkets/interactive-brokers-web-api: A docker container and flask app for use with the Interactive Brokers Web API 1.0

I installed the Docker and Git. I log in the Docker successfully every time when I run those commands.
But the codes did not run successfully as the video shows.

Thanks for your reply

Here is this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRsH9TKveLo&t=910s
Here is the code: GitHub - hackingthemarkets/interactive-brokers-web-api: A docker container and flask app for use with the Interactive Brokers Web API 1.0

I installed the Docker and Git. I log in the Docker successfully every time when I run those commands.
But the codes did not run successfully as the video shows.

can give me some detailed advice on how to resolve the error?

You mean that i should install a Docker Desktop on my Windows computer.

I installed the Docker successfully, there is a logo one my computer. Everytime I click that logo to start the Docker. And there is a “whale” on the right bottom of my computer.

Is that logo the Docker Desktop?

The name and Chinese in your terminal made it easy to guess :wink:

Your compose file has this:

version: '3.8'

Remove it

That is not what I meant.
Bluepuma noted that you’re using docker-compose, which is the older version of docker compose
But in actuality, since you are using Docker Desktop, they are both the same

Thanks for your advice. I will remove version: ‘3.8’ and try iy again

That isn’t the problem, it’s just a warning you got because version is obsolete, but it’s not the source of your error, unfortunately