Today I tried to use Docker Compose to run a program, although when running docker-compose up -d
I get the error
ERROR: Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?
If it’s at a non-standard location, specify the URL with the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.
I’ve done some digging on the internet and figured out that it was obviously a Docker daemon problem. So I ran the command sudo dockerd
. It seemed that everything was going well until the end of the output of the command which was
failed to start daemon: error initializing graphdriver: failed to make /var/lib/docker/btrfs a mount: mount /var/lib/docker/btrfs:/var/lib/docker/btrfs, flags: 0x1000: permission denied
I’ve tried reaserching on how to fix this, although there have been no results so far. Thanks for reading.