Docker Desktop update on Linux/Mint/x86_64

Hopefully basic question. Recent move to Linux Mint and did an initial install/configuration of Docker Desktop.
Working just fine for a few months. Now getting a message “new version available” with subtext that it’s available to download and install.
Hoping the obvious would happen and clicking on the link would download and install the update… nope, goes to the installation documentation page with a ton of information, but, for me, unclear on what exactly I should do to perform an upgrade on my OS. Can someone help me out on what needs to be done?
I’m assuming that docker-desktop-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is somehow involved, and I downloaded it, but have no idea what I do what a .zst file if it is applicable.


I think I guess what went wrong: as chance will have it the documentation uses as a placeholder for the cpu architecture, and you seem to have taking it literally and downloaded Docker Desktop for Arch Linux.

Mint bases on Ubuntu, so you will need to follow the Docker Desktop installation and upgrade for Ubuntu:

I’ll add that Docker Desktop is mainly made for other operating systems, though there are use cases for it on Linux, generally you’d want to use Docker Engine instead.

Docker Desktop launches a Linux VM with Docker Engine on it, since you’re already on Linux, this is usually unnecessary and limited

Thanks, but you’re pointing me back to the same documentation that got me here. It’s giving instructions to run against an install image that I can’t locate so this is no help.

Since I don’t use Docker Desktop on Linux, I was unsure whether it already starts a download by itself. Apparently it does not, which would explain why you ended up with the wrong download.

Click the “Deb-package” link in 2) Ubuntu | Docker Docs to download the package - then follow the instructions of my original link.

As an alternative you can download the deb package from the release notes page, if you click on the “Debian” link of the version you want to download and install:

Linux was not the first operating system targeted by Docker Desktop, but now what you want to use on your desktop machine depends on your preference. I prefer Docker CE too, but just because I don’t need the desktop features on Linux currently.