I need your help because I really don’t know what else I can do.
I use the normal user, the root user, I change the dns, I open the ports and I always have this error.
root@Gabo:/home/gabo# docker pull hello-world
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
d1725b59e92d: Pulling fs layer
error pulling image configuration: Get https://production.cloudflare.docker.com/registry-v2/docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/4a/4ab4c602aa5eed5528a6620ff18a1dc4faef0e1ab3a5eddeddb410714478c67f/data?verify=1543380511-0GzJkli2C4h0nvrNTDgNZZfU9aI%3D: dial tcp: lookup production.cloudflare.docker.com on read udp> i/o timeout