Docker for mac 1.12.0 vm ip

I just installed 1.12.0 on mac. The docker service starts right away. But there is no boot2docker util anymore. how can I find out ip address for the vm behind docker?

If what you want is to access the docker host,you can do like I did here: Docker for mac configure swap space .

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Thank @ramonpires. That is very helpful. I find out the ip address based on what the above link implies. Thanks a lot. Wish there is easy command to provide this information with docker for mac 1.12.0.

@rchibiscus - can you post exactly what your solution was here? I wasn’t able to gather it from the links.

on mac:

screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
close session:Ctrl+a d

ifconfig will show you the ip address in eth0 interface.

I was trying to find out this IP for access service in a container. But it turns out that I don’t need this vm host ip. does fine for accessing service exposed from a running container.