I’ve been stepping through a course titled “Scaling Docker for AWS”. I already use Docker for various applications within our corp network, using our private registry.
I’m using Docker 1.12.6.
At this point in the course, I’m running “aws ecr get-login” to get the docker login command line.
This gives me the following slightly elided command line:
docker login -u AWS -p ... -e none https://373103611276.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
When I run this from within our corp network, I get this:
Error response from daemon: Get https://373103611276.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/v1/users/: dial tcp i/o timeout
I used “nslookup” on that fqhn, and I found that that IP address was one of three IP addresses associated with it.
I then tried doing a direct “curl” call to the given URL (adding “/v1/users/” to the end), passing the user/password as above, including “-v” for verbose output. This showed that it made a successful connection, but returned a 404.
Note that I did this within our corp firewall. I did try to change my connection, connecting to a non-corp wifi router that I know works, then editing the “http-proxy.conf” in “docker.service.d”, commenting out the two environment variable settings for http_proxy and https_proxy, and then reloading daemon and restarting the docker service and then redoing my test. The result was about the same.
What can I do to resolve this, or to get more information?