Docker LVM plugin vs creating lvm on host

I’m trying to create a LVM on the host machine and mount on my docker container. When I was planning to implement this I noticed docker LVM plugins.

What is the purpose of this LVM plugin?
Why do I need this?
Can’t I just create LVM on host and then just mount it directly?

Is there any advantages or disadvantages between both these approaches?

I had a use case for something like this to have more control over a collection of volumes and how much space they took up collectively in a multi-tenant environment. however this implementation has its issues, (unmanaged/is not a docker plugin, is unable to create volumes without size constraints aka fill rest of available space) it also seems to be the only one available unfortunately.

You could manage the LVM’s directly on the host but fiddling around with mounting the LVM volumes over the Docker volumes wouldn’t scale very well.