/.docker/machine/machines$ Error creating machine: Error running SSH command to get /etc/os-release: exit status 255

I am getting this when I attempt to deploy to Rackspace

INFO[0001] Creating machine…
ERRO[0038] Error creating machine: Error running SSH command to get /etc/os-release: exit status 255
WARN[0038] You will want to check the provider to make sure the machine and associated resources were properly removed.
FATA[0038] Error creating machine
bes@dockermh727:~/.docker/machine/machines$ Error creating machine: Error running SSH command to get /etc/os-release: exit status 255

when I list out the Docker server instances all the ones I deployed to Digital Ocean are fine , but it seams that the last one to Rackspace got deployed and made active but is not running???

DockercloudhostDO1 digitalocean Running tcp://
DockercloudhostDO2 digitalocean Running tcp://
DockercloudhostDO3 digitalocean Running tcp://
DockercloudhostRS0001 * rackspace tcp://
DockercloudhostRS0002 rackspace Running tcp://

now I run a second one to rackspace and it still gives me the “/.docker/machine/machines$ Error creating machine: Error running SSH command to get /etc/os-release: exit status 255” error from above but appears to start

any one have ANY idea what is going on ???

thanks !!!