Hi I have one interface eth0 with ip I have only 5 ips free, so i want to configure my docker container to connect using this ips. I tried many thing but its not working.
Hi have you tried to use the ipvlan driver, take a look https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/experimental/vlan-networks.md#ipvlan-network-driver , I the recents versions this driver is included .
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I cant use that driver, because my host is Redhat, and its kernel is 3.10 and that driver is not supported their, their is any another method… because i tried almost everything… even pipework script also… but its not working.
My setup is like:
My bridge : br0 with physical interface eth0
I want to attach this bridge as docker bridge, so whatever container i will create it ip will be in that subnet and i could able to ping from outside host, wherever my this subnet goes.