Docker run hello-world - Get "": Service Unavailable

When I was using Docker Desktop 4.5.1, my docker was running fine. Suddenly, one week later, I hit the following error message when I tried to do a docker build which pulls python:3-slim image.

=> ERROR [internal] load metadata for                                             0.0s
 > [internal] load metadata for
failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: failed to do request: Head "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

I have updated to the latest Docker Desktop 4.6.1 (76265). I am running Windows 10 Education 21H2.

C:\>docker run hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: Get "": Service Unavailable.
See 'docker run --help'.

I have tried the following:

  • Use Docker Desktop to clean / purge data + docker system prune
  • Use Docker Desktop to reset to factory default
  • Change DNS to
  • Uninstall, reboot and install again.

When i run the diagnostic tool
C:\>"C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\com.docker.diagnose.exe" check
There is this failed test.

[FAIL] DD0012: is the VM networking working? network checks failed: failed to ping host: exit status 1
[2022-03-23T04:00:30.557559800Z][com.docker.diagnose.exe][I] ipc.NewClient: 3f8b03a6-diagnose-network -> \\.\pipe\dockerDiagnosticd diagnosticsd
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/network.go:34 +0xdd
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/test.go:46 +0x43
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:17 +0x5a
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkOnce.func1(0x2, 0x18a63a0)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:140 +0x77
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkDepthFirst(0x1, 0x18a63a0, 0xc000661830)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:146 +0x36
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkDepthFirst(0x0, 0x1000000013bb7a0, 0xc000661830)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:149 +0x73
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkOnce(0x1223ec0, 0xc00035f970)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:135 +0xcc
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.Run(0x18a6420, 0xc00035fb48, {0xc00035fb00, 0x1, 0x1})
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:16 +0x1ce
[main.checkCmd({0xc0000643d0, 0xc0000643d0, 0x4}, {0x0, 0x0})
[       common/cmd/com.docker.diagnose/main.go:131 +0x105
[       common/cmd/com.docker.diagnose/main.go:97 +0x273
[2022-03-23T04:00:30.558087400Z][com.docker.diagnose.exe][I] (6dc411c7) 3f8b03a6-diagnose-network C->S diagnosticsd POST /check-network-connectivity: {"ips":["","","","","",""]}
[2022-03-23T04:00:31.132314000Z][com.docker.diagnose.exe][E] (6dc411c7) 3f8b03a6-diagnose-network C<-S e0b53e92-diagnosticsd POST /check-network-connectivity (574.7542ms): failed to ping host: exit status 1
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/network.go:35 +0x15b
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/test.go:46 +0x43
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:17 +0x5a
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkOnce.func1(0x2, 0x18a63a0)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:140 +0x77
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkDepthFirst(0x1, 0x18a63a0, 0xc000661830)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:146 +0x36
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkDepthFirst(0x0, 0x1000000013bb7a0, 0xc000661830)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:149 +0x73
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.walkOnce(0x1223ec0, 0xc00035f970)
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:135 +0xcc
[common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose.Run(0x18a6420, 0xc00035fb48, {0xc00035fb00, 0x1, 0x1})
[       common/pkg/diagkit/gather/diagnose/run.go:16 +0x1ce
[main.checkCmd({0xc0000643d0, 0xc0000643d0, 0x4}, {0x0, 0x0})
[       common/cmd/com.docker.diagnose/main.go:131 +0x105
[       common/cmd/com.docker.diagnose/main.go:97 +0x273

I am not behind any proxy server. My colleague, on the same network, does not encounter any issue, and we are both using our company laptops; i.e. should be similar configuration.

My config.json

My daemon.json

    "builder": { "gc": { "defaultKeepStorage": "20GB", "enabled": true } },
    "experimental": false,
    "features": { "buildkit": true },

I will appreciate any advice how to solve or troubleshoot further. Thanks in advance!


I execute docker run hello-world in command prompt and post the added lines in dockerd.log and log.txt below.


[2022-03-24T00:50:38.336864500Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:38.336724500Z" level=debug msg="Calling HEAD /_ping"
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.555511200Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:38.555380700Z" level=debug msg="Calling HEAD /_ping"
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.884708500Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:38.884532800Z" level=debug msg="Calling HEAD /_ping"
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.018507300Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:40.017853700Z" level=debug msg="Calling POST /v1.41/containers/create"
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.019918100Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:40.019251000Z" level=debug msg="form data: {\"AttachStderr\":true,\"AttachStdin\":false,\"AttachStdout\":true,\"Cmd\":null,\"Domainname\":\"\",\"Entrypoint\":null,\"Env\":null,\"HostConfig\":{\"AutoRemove\":false,\"Binds\":null,\"BlkioDeviceReadBps\":null,\"BlkioDeviceReadIOps\":null,\"BlkioDeviceWriteBps\":null,\"BlkioDeviceWriteIOps\":null,\"BlkioWeight\":0,\"BlkioWeightDevice\":[],\"CapAdd\":null,\"CapDrop\":null,\"Cgroup\":\"\",\"CgroupParent\":\"\",\"CgroupnsMode\":\"\",\"ConsoleSize\":[30,120],\"ContainerIDFile\":\"\",\"CpuCount\":0,\"CpuPercent\":0,\"CpuPeriod\":0,\"CpuQuota\":0,\"CpuRealtimePeriod\":0,\"CpuRealtimeRuntime\":0,\"CpuShares\":0,\"CpusetCpus\":\"\",\"CpusetMems\":\"\",\"DeviceCgroupRules\":null,\"DeviceRequests\":null,\"Devices\":[],\"Dns\":[],\"DnsOptions\":[],\"DnsSearch\":[],\"ExtraHosts\":null,\"GroupAdd\":null,\"IOMaximumBandwidth\":0,\"IOMaximumIOps\":0,\"IpcMode\":\"\",\"Isolation\":\"\",\"KernelMemory\":0,\"KernelMemoryTCP\":0,\"Links\":null,\"LogConfig\":{\
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.029806300Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:40.029520200Z" level=debug msg="Calling GET /v1.41/info"
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.673067700Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.672753300Z" level=debug msg="Calling POST /v1.41/images/create?fromImage=hello-world&tag=latest"
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.677528400Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.677283000Z" level=debug msg="Trying to pull hello-world from v2"
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.698408400Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.698283200Z" level=warning msg="Error getting v2 registry: Get \"\": Service Unavailable"
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.698454500Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.698321900Z" level=info msg="Attempting next endpoint for pull after error: Get \"\": Service Unavailable"
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.700694600Z][dockerd][I] time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.700602100Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.41/images/create returned error: Get \"\": Service Unavailable"


[2022-03-24T00:50:38.335336000Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy >> HEAD /_ping
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.336971400Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy << HEAD /_ping (1.7194ms)
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.553995400Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy >> HEAD /_ping
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.555650800Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy << HEAD /_ping (1.6554ms)
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.883178900Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy >> HEAD /_ping
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.884752000Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy << HEAD /_ping (1.5731ms)
[2022-03-24T00:50:38.899139500Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] (e98b9138) de1fa007-ProxyCMD C->S CSharpAPI POST /usage: {"command":"containerCreateCliLinux","count":1}
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.007126900Z][IPCServer         ][Info   ] (e98b9138) bc22ca38-CSharpAPI S<-C de1fa007-ProxyCMD POST /usage*guiClient).Usage(0xc0002a64e0, 0x174a85e)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0x44*GuiAnalytics).sendCommand(0xc000112b80, {0x174a85e, 0xf}, {0x1740090, 0x3}, 0x1)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0xe9*GuiAnalytics).trackRouteForHTTPMethod(0x1856080, 0xc000454300, 0x160dc20, 0x1782700)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0xf4*GuiAnalytics).Middleware.func1({0x1850cd0, 0xc00047c1c0}, 0xc000454300)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0x8d*Router).ServeHTTP(0xc0003940c0, {0x1850cd0, 0xc00047c1c0}, 0xc000454100)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0x1cf
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.009301200Z][IPCServer         ][Info   ] (e98b9138) bc22ca38-CSharpAPI S->C de1fa007-ProxyCMD POST /usage (1ms): OK
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.012849700Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] (e98b9138) de1fa007-ProxyCMD C<-S bc22ca38-CSharpAPI POST /usage (1.1137102s): OK
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.013377300Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] usage containerCreateCliLinux + 1
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.013525100Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy >> POST /v1.41/containers/create
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.025296300Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy << POST /v1.41/containers/create (11.7712ms)
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.027178700Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy >> GET /v1.41/info
[2022-03-24T00:50:40.042466700Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy << GET /v1.41/info (15.288ms)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.605365400Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] (11d94266) de1fa007-ProxyCMD C->S CSharpAPI POST /usage: {"command":"imagePullCliLinux","count":1}
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.665620600Z][IPCServer         ][Info   ] (11d94266) bc22ca38-CSharpAPI S<-C de1fa007-ProxyCMD POST /usage*guiClient).Usage(0xc00000cae0, 0x1745af0)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0x44*GuiAnalytics).sendCommand(0xc000112b80, {0x1745af0, 0x9}, {0x1740090, 0x3}, 0x1)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0xe9*GuiAnalytics).trackRouteForHTTPMethod(0x1856080, 0xc000510500, 0x160dc20, 0x1782700)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0xf4*GuiAnalytics).Middleware.func1({0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510500)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0x8d*Router).ServeHTTP(0xc0003940c0, {0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510300)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0x1cf
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.666434300Z][IPCServer         ][Info   ] (11d94266) bc22ca38-CSharpAPI S->C de1fa007-ProxyCMD POST /usage (0ms): OK
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.668518300Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] (11d94266) de1fa007-ProxyCMD C<-S bc22ca38-CSharpAPI POST /usage (63.1529ms): OK
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.668518300Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] usage imagePullCliLinux + 1
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.668518300Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy >> POST /v1.41/images/create?fromImage=hello-world&tag=latest
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.668518300Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] (7a639904) e7f3db32-ProxyPKG C->S BackendAPI GET /registry/access
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.669749300Z][com.docker.backend.exe][I] (7a639904) caad92f8-BackendAPI S<-C e7f3db32-ProxyPKG GET /registry/access
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670262700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/backend.(*backendClient).GetAccess(0xc0001003c0)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670426700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/backend/client.go:258 +0x62
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670522500Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.(*ramPullApprover).Approve(0x23e753c1a98, {{0x17459be, 0x9}, {0x0, 0x0}, {0x1743be6, 0x7}, {0xc0001201b4, 0xb}, {0xc0001201c4, ...}})
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670572500Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/pull.go:34 +0x25
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.(*proxyPullRewriter).RequestRewrite(0xc0003541d0, 0xc000510500)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/pull.go:61 +0xf5
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.(*passthrough).doHandleHTTP(0xc0001011d0, {0x23e7548c298, 0xc0006824a0}, {0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0x2, {0xc00026f510, 0x14d62e6, 0x1db9a80})
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/passthrough.go:181 +0xfc
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.(*passthrough).HandleHTTP(0xc0001011d0, {0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510500)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/passthrough.go:116 +0x41e
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.withError.func1({0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc00026f590)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/routes.go:16 +0x3c
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.NewRouter.func2.1({0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510500)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/proxy.go:107 +0x2f4
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.NewRouter.func1.1({0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510500)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/proxy.go:76 +0x142
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.(*restrictions).Middleware.func1({0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510500)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.671112400Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/restrictions.go:75 +0x154
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.671159900Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [common/pkg/proxy.(*GuiAnalytics).Middleware.func1({0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510500)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.671159900Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	common/pkg/proxy/analytics.go:61 +0xac
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.671159900Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [*Router).ServeHTTP(0xc0003940c0, {0x1850cd0, 0xc0005e61c0}, 0xc000510300)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.671159900Z][GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] [	vendor/ +0x1cf
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.670602700Z][com.docker.backend.exe][I] (7a639904) caad92f8-BackendAPI S->C e7f3db32-ProxyPKG GET /registry/access (1.2681ms): {"allowed":[{"DNS":"","IP":{"IP":"","Mask":"AAAAAA=="},"Type":1,"value":""},{"DNS":".","IP":{"IP":"","Mask":null},"Type":3,"value":"."}],"enabled":false,"refresh_after":"2022-03-24T20:50:42.6702627+08:00","refresh_grace_period_ends":"2022-03-25T08:50:42.6702627+08:00","refresh_grace_period_interval":3600000000000}
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.671159900Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] (7a639904) e7f3db32-ProxyPKG C<-S caad92f8-BackendAPI GET /registry/access (2.6416ms): {"allowed":[{"DNS":"","IP":{"IP":"","Mask":"AAAAAA=="},"Type":1,"value":""},{"DNS":".","IP":{"IP":"","Mask":null},"Type":3,"value":"."}],"enabled":false,"refresh_after":"2022-03-24T20:50:42.6702627+08:00","refresh_grace_period_ends":"2022-03-25T08:50:42.6702627+08:00","refresh_grace_period_interval":2884905626637435000}
time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.683246374Z" level=info msg="ethernet: Connected Ethernet interface f6:16:36:bc:f9:c6"
time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.683246374Z" level=info msg="udp: UDP interface connected on"
time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.696243047Z" level=info msg="http: HTTP proxy --> (Origin): CONNECT "
time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.696243047Z" level=error msg="http: HTTP proxy --> (Origin): Failed to connect to"
time="2022-03-24T00:50:42.696243047Z" level=info msg="http: HTTP proxy: returning 503 Service_unavailable"
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.700892600Z][com.docker.proxy.exe][I] proxy << POST /v1.41/images/create?fromImage=hello-world&tag=latest (32.3743ms)
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.713013000Z][com.docker.backend.exe][I] (a5440789) 48957ae2-CLIAPI S<-C Go-http-client/1.1 POST /usage
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.713013000Z][com.docker.backend.exe][I] (a5440789) 48957ae2-CLIAPI S<-C Go-http-client/1.1 bind: {"command":"run","context":"moby","source":"cli","status":"failure"}
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.713013000Z][com.docker.backend.exe][I] (a5440789-1) 24450b8e-BackendCMD C->S CSharpAPI POST /usage/cli: {"command":"run","context":"moby","source":"cli","status":"failure"}
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.736442600Z][IPCServer         ][Info   ] (a5440789-1) bc22ca38-CSharpAPI S<-C 24450b8e-BackendCMD POST /usage/cli*guiClient).CliUsage(0xc0006a2540, 0x2504a20)
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0x44{0x2504a20, 0xc0006a2540})
	C:/workspaces/PR-17529/src/ +0xb4
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.738726100Z][IPCServer         ][Info   ] (a5440789-1) bc22ca38-CSharpAPI S->C 24450b8e-BackendCMD POST /usage/cli (2ms): OK
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.739295200Z][com.docker.backend.exe][I] (a5440789-1) 24450b8e-BackendCMD C<-S bc22ca38-CSharpAPI POST /usage/cli (26.2822ms): OK
[2022-03-24T00:50:42.739295200Z][com.docker.backend.exe][I] (a5440789) 48957ae2-CLIAPI S->C Go-http-client/1.1 POST /usage (26.2822ms): OK

Also note that if I switch to Windows containers, I am able to execute docker run hello-world in command prompt successfully without errors. The error occurs when I am using Linux containers,

It is very puzzling to me. I appreciate any help or advice. Thanks in advance.


I faced the same issue. Docker was working fine, but maybe after windows update (KB5011487, KB4023057) I canā€™t run docker in any way, neither docker pull nor docker run and so on. As a result, I always get ā€œError response from daemon: Get ā€œā€: Service Unavailableā€ (depending on the installed version).
I tried to change versions of docker, tried to rollback windows updates (totally useless).
I updated wsl, but it also had no effectā€¦


Faced the same issue, it was working fine one day and then all of a sudden without any software or hardware updates, docker did not want to pull any images.
Tried to unintall and reinstall docker , wsl but with no results. Also created a ticket on the docker support but i did not get any answers.
I managed to get it working by reinstalling windows.

1 Like

Same issue as @stanislavpresnecov and @smatcaboji. I tried to reinstall Docker, change version, update WSL, but nothing seems to solve the issue. The support didnā€™t answer the question.

1 Like

I did more troubleshooting.

  • I load a linux image to Docker Desktop using TAR and I can run a container.
  • I login into the container to do apt-get update. I get the following error
# apt-get update
Err:1 bullseye InRelease
  Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Unable to connect to
Err:2 bullseye-updates InRelease
  Unable to connect to
Err:3 bullseye-security InRelease
  Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused)
Reading package lists... Done
W: Failed to fetch  Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Unable to connect to
W: Failed to fetch  Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused)
W: Failed to fetch  Unable to connect to
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

Secondly, @ stanislavpresnecov mentioned windows update (KB5011487, KB4023057) . I didnā€™t have those updates when I first had this issue.

Hope these help to provide more information for troubleshooting.

Every time I see someone has network issue on WSL2 I have to mention that WSL2 gets its IP address from the same IP range as Docker does. It doesnā€™t always cause any problem, but since WSL2 doesnā€™t know about Docker, Windows can choose the same subnet as one of the docker networks or an overlapping subnet.

I know, it is about Docker Desktop and Docker desktop has a static IP address, so it canā€™t be the same problem, but it can be something similar if the host network somehow changed. You can try to change the IP address of Docker Desktop in Settings or you can try to find out what is the problem.

Normally I would try run a container on the host network and mount the root filesystem of the Docker Desktop VM:

docker run --rm -it --net host nicolaka/netshoot bash

and then I would check the network. For example:

ip addr

If you can download that image from an other host too and load the exported tar archive, you can still try it. I donā€™t remember the other way exactly, but I had to run nsenter from the WSL distribution after I found out which process is in the right namespace.

I did the same steps as you and I get the same errors

1 Like

same issue here.
I previously posted my question on Stackoverflow.
The issue still not resolved.

1 Like

I solved the problem by upgrading to early version 4.8.0

What has generated the issue is still unknown

Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I still have the same error with 4.8.0.

Hello, is there any update to this? I have the same error as well. New to Docker

No. I still have the issue on my Windows.

I have been running a Linux VM with docker to workaround this. The VM is on the same machine.

My 2year old docker was working fine. Then I hit the ā€œupgradeā€ button and it lost internet for every command. My error message is slightly different.

Error response from daemon: Get ā€œā€: unable to connect to Do you need an HTTP proxy?

Iā€™ve tried many reinstall/restart, set experimental and buildkit to ā€œfalseā€, switching between hyperv and wsl2. Nothing worked.


I and my team have been experiencing the same thing. Anyone figure out a successful resolution. Weā€™ve tried pretty much the same attempted fixes to no avail. We also tried reinstalling a lower version with no success.

For each our of 4 devs, this started occurring when we upgraded.

Iā€™ve had some success by using a Linux install in WSL and using docker from there (similar to Ifthiang). That said, its a pretty inconvenient workaround so Iā€™m interested in the root problem here.

Just want to throw my hat in the ring and say my team is experiencing this as well. We had Docker desktop working fine on Windows for a few months, then we all we started experiencing this issue after a Windows update. We are currently working with our IT staff to see if this may be an anti-virus issue, but currently no luck.


Hi. Iā€™m getting the same error when pulling a Linux docker image in a Windows 10 Pro machine:

(HTTP code 500) server error - Get ā€œā€: unable to connect to Do you need an HTTP proxy?

If I switch to Windows containers, the network problem = disappear, but the image Iā€™m trying to pull is = Linux, so the error changes to:

image operating system ā€œlinuxā€ cannot be used on this platform.

docker run hello-world => works fine when I choose Windows container.

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I had posted in Docker Desktop for Windows Github forum too but, sadly, no action to date.

I get exactly the same problem on Windows 10 version 21H2 and Docker version 4.9.1. I have been dealing with this issue for almost two months. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Due to the unresponsiveness of Docker regarding this issue, our Windows users have had to switch over to Rancher Desktop, which has a docker CLI.

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