Hi, I have a raspberry pi 4 with docker.
I have the following containers:
*apache2 httpd
i use it for some basic home automation.
u use it for some time now, and because everything worked fine, I didn’t touch anythine (except the web ui for pihole and nodered).
but suddenly my http server was down, and when i looked deeper into it, i saw that everything was down.
after logging in with ssh, I saw that all containers were stopped. I didn’t change anything.
and after trying to stary anny container. i keep gedding the error:
Error response from daemon: set shim OOM score: open /proc/1562/oom_score_adj: no such file or directory: unknown
Error: failed to start containers: focused_mestorf
and when i tried to rebuild another fresh portainer container, I get this mssage:
docker: Error response from daemon: set shim OOM score: open /proc/2027/oom_score_adj: no such file or directory: unknown.
I’m a big noob so I don’t know what deatailes to provide extra, can annyone help me with this?
(btw, sorry for my broken english )