Hello! I’m working on a project and I’m having trouble preparing the development environment using Docker (it’s been giving me an error).
This project that I’m working on at college is divided into three parts: frontend (html, css, javascript), backend (Java and spring boot) and database (MySQL) with monolithic architecture. Here’s the link: ifba-projeto-programacao-web-innova-turismo/README.md at main · JandersonMota00/ifba-projeto-programacao-web-innova-turismo · GitHub
At the moment there are only directories.
Previously, I had placed the DB inside the backend and Docker was working when I ran the command ‘docker-compose up -d’. When I created the DB directory in the project root, Docker stopped working. This is the error it has been showing:
The docker code is in the GitHub link above, I appreciate anyone who can help.