I am using Docker CE version 26.1.3, build b72abbb
Host: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64
I have a docker-compose.yaml which has in it:
user: "1000:1000"
- action: sync
path: .
target: /app
- node_modules/
- server.js
- action: sync+restart
path: ./server.js
target: /app
- node_modules/
- action: rebuild
path: package.json
When I change a file for action “sync”, I get an error from docker.
$ docker compose up --watch
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Network videodownloaderweb_default Created 0.2s
✔ Container videodownloaderweb Created 0.5s
Attaching to videodownloaderweb
⦿ Watch enabled
videodownloaderweb | Server listening on port 3000
videodownloaderweb | User connected
videodownloaderweb | User connected
⦿ Syncing "videodownloaderweb" after changes were detected
WARN[0070] Error handling changed files for service videodownloaderweb: 1 error occurred:
* copying files to 86b7a6e4c00efdb4539e30b6696d158e553d3a05b3121346ca8be134427b6f2d: Error response from daemon: getent unable to find entry "1000:1000" in passwd database
If I try to use getent to query the passwd db myself to diagnose this issue, I can get the expected result, only if I query by “username:groupname”. Querying by “uid:gid” returns no such record.
This would explain why docker is failing. If it tries to pass uid:gid into getent, this will not return anything.
Note that when compose is up and watching, I can manually myself sync a given file with:
$ docker cp env.list videodownloaderweb:/app
Successfully copied 2.05kB to videodownloaderweb:/app
So why is docker engine unable to sync files via compose --watch?