Hi, my intention is to synchronize the Gramps root tree, using docker-compose. I don’t know if it was necessary to install docker-desktop to do this. I followed this guide from Grampsweb: https://www.grampsweb.org/Deployment/ The command
sudo docker-compose up -d
I was able to run it, but it has the following error message:
sudo docker-compose up -d
[sudo] Passwort für rainer:
grampsweb_redis is up-to-date
Starting rainer_grampsweb_1 ...
grampsweb_celery is up-to-date
Starting rainer_grampsweb_1 ... error
ERROR: for rainer_grampsweb_1 Cannot start service grampsweb: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint rainer_grampsweb_1 (32e874ceffa4735d0ea9f9e17cc0a5fd88534802c87c519841b39df407063124): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
ERROR: for grampsweb Cannot start service grampsweb: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint rainer_grampsweb_1 (32e874ceffa4735d0ea9f9e17cc0a5fd88534802c87c519841b39df407063124): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
How can I solve this? Many thanks in advance for your help!
I read this thread about nearly the same issue. However, the solutions there don’t fix it here, because in my LMDE 6 there are no commands like “netsh” or “NET”.
rainer@Optiplex:/var/www/html$ docker-compose up -d
grampsweb_redis is up-to-date
grampsweb_celery is up-to-date
html_grampsweb_1 is up-to-date
Thank you!
There are some repetitive messages in the log. I don’t want to post everything here, only if necessary. In the following example there are 2 problems at the same time:
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:51: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
html_grampsweb_1 | from gi.repository import Gtk
The directory /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/ is empty. I can’t find the gramps folder or celery and its subfolders there. I can’t figure out how to load the correct gtk version.
I found out today that instead of /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/gramps/plugins/tool/check.py
there is /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps/plugins/tool/check.py.
The used path was wrong then. However, I don’t know and can’t find out, what caused to use wrong paths.
Thank you again for your response. I learned that it could be an issue using “sudo” or not. Concerning this Gramps related issue I don’t remember coming across that. Maybe I used “sudo docker-compose up -d” in the beginning? Don’t know exactly but I think no, I don’t. Just copied the command as it is displayed there - without “sudo”.
Do you think that bringing this issue to Github/Gramps is the right way addressing it for getting a solution?
Since we are talking about python packages in the container, it doesn’t matter how you ran docker compose. That could only change which Docker context you use, not which folder you use inside the container.
OK, got it. Is it then the only conclusion that something went wrong caused by Grampsweb install procedure?
I’m not a programmer. I thought just follow the instructions as usual…
We started the discussion about used ports. I could reply to that. I can’t tell what went wrong with Python. It could be an issue with the image or with how you followed the instructions. Unfortunately I don’t have time to test every image, but If the image maintainers can’t find the issue, I recommend opening a new topic here, because nobody will answer if they don’t even know from the title that they could.