I have a powershell script that runs Docker containers, the images load, but the containers do not, and they all error out with following output (I have redacted out some sensitive information in the text of the output):
Starting to run sdoapmdockerrepo.azurecr.io/mdrx.pm.server.microservice.administration: on port 18019:80
Will run :
docker run --restart unless-stopped --name=Administration -d -e GatewayUri="http://Gateway" -e AuthUri="http://Auth" -e EmployerUri="http://Employer" -e PatientUri="http://Patient" -e webclientUri="http://webclient" -e SchedulingUri="http://Scheduling" -e TranUri="http://Tran" -e NoteUri="http://Note" -e StoredJobsUri="http://StoredJobs" -e DocumentUri="http://Document" -e SettingsUri="http://Settings" -e ProviderUri="http://Provider" -e CarrierUri="http://Carrier" -e DashboardUri="http://Dashboard" -e ClaimsUri="http://Claims" -e AdministrationUri="http://Administration" -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT="Development" -e APMSecurityDSN="Provider=msoledbsql;Server=tcp:XXXXX;Database=XXXX;User Id=XXX;Password=XXXX;Trusted_Connection=no;" -e AIEMasterDSN=" " -e HostType="Docker" -e AppPath="C:\app" -e AdDomainController="" -e APMAPIFQDN="XXXXXX" -p 18019:80 -v C:/Logs:C:/app/Logs sdoapmdockerrepo.azurecr.io/mdrx.pm.server.microservice.administration:
docker: Error response from daemon: hcsshim::CreateScratchLayer failed in Win32: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3).
See 'docker run --help'.
I am running the latest Docker Desktop v.4.34.2.
I tried docker system prune command, but that did not resolve issue.
Can someone help with figuring out how to resolve this?
and make sure Logs exist on drive C. The drive letter is also not required ans possibly not even valid as you could not mount anywhere except to drive C in the container.
Thanks for sending me the link to the other forum post. After I reset to factory defaults in Docker Desktop, and reran my script with the original mounting setting, I can see the containers now, so the issue is resolved.