Error top level object

I have a problem when creating a new project on Portainer. Attached is a picture showing the error. Note that I am a beginner in the world of Docker. I need step-by-step help to solve the problem while simplifying the information.
error say
Failed to deploy a stack: Top-level object must be a mapping
failed to deploy a stack: parsing /data/compose/1/docker-compose.yml: Top-level object must be a mapping

this is code in yml file

docker run -d \
  --name omada-controller \
  --stop-timeout 60 \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --ulimit nofile=4096:8192 \
  -p 8088:8088 \
  -p 8043:8043 \
  -p 8843:8843 \
  -p 27001:27001/udp \
  -p 29810:29810/udp \
  -p 29811-29816:29811-29816 \
  -e MANAGE_HTTP_PORT=8088 \
  -e PGID="508" \
  -e PORTAL_HTTP_PORT=8088 \
  -e PORT_ADOPT_V1=29812 \
  -e PORT_DISCOVERY=29810 \
  -e PORT_MANAGER_V1=29811 \
  -e PORT_MANAGER_V2=29814 \
  -e PORT_TRANSFER_V2=29815 \
  -e PORT_RTTY=29816 \
  -e PORT_UPGRADE_V1=29813 \
  -e PUID="508" \
  -e SHOW_SERVER_LOGS=true \
  -e SHOW_MONGODB_LOGS=false \
  -e SSL_CERT_NAME="tls.crt" \
  -e SSL_KEY_NAME="tls.key" \
  -e TZ=Etc/UTC \
  -v omada-data:/opt/tplink/EAPController/data \
  -v omada-logs:/opt/tplink/EAPController/logs \

You are writing a shell command in a YAML file

Google and read Docker Compose documentation

You can use to translate the docker run command into compose file content. Then paste the generated content in Portainer, where you tried to post the command.