HI and thanks to all who are helping me with all this!!!
I am attempting to deploy a docker server with docker machine to a vcenter
I am running this command and get an error when doing so…
bkxxxs@dockermach727:~$ docker-machine create -d vmwarevsphere --vmwarevsphere-vcenter=“VCTR01.int.vxxxxi.com” --vmwarevsphere-username=“Administrator” --vmwarevsphere-password=“VCTR01.int.vixxxi.com\BxKxxes” --vmwarevsphere-datacenter=“VCTR01\Txxxni” --vmwarevsphere-compute-ip=“test” --vmwarevsphere-network=“VM Network” --vmwarevsphere-datastore=“Tuxxni Datastore01” dd2223
and get the error
INFO[0000] Generating SSH Keypair…
INFO[0000] Uploading Boot2docker ISO …
INFO[0000] Creating directory boot2docker-iso on datastore Txxxxi Datastore01 of vCenter VCTR01.int.vxxxx.com…
ERRO[0000] Error creating machine: exec: “govc”: executable file not found in $PATH
WARN[0000] You will want to check the provider to make sure the machine and associated resources were properly removed.
FATA[0000] Error creating machine