Error When Running "Rebuild and Reopen in Container" Command

Hi everyone,
I’ve been following the instructions from the GitHub project: Go2Py Setup Guide.
However, when I run the Rebuild and Reopen in Container command, I encounter the following error:

Here is the json file:

    "name": "go2py", 
    "dockerComposeFile": "docker-compose.yaml",
    "workspaceFolder": "/home/Unitree/Go2py",
    "service": "go2py",
    "remoteUser": "root", 
    "postCreateCommand": "cd /home/Unitree/Go2py && pip install -e . && make ddscfg",
    "customizations": {
      "vscode": {
        "extensions": [
          "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", // Existing ESLint extension
          "ms-python.python", // Python extension by Microsoft
          "ms-toolsai.jupyter" // Jupyter extension by Microsoft

How should I fix this issue?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Have you tried opening an issue on GitHub in the project?

“command failed” is not a lot information to help. And the command is actually “code” which is I assume VSCode. We can help with Docker issues here, but I don’t see what the Docker issue is in this case. The project maintainers could have a better idea about what is happening.

You also have a better chance to get replies here if you can reproduce the issue with Docker comands and yo share the commands, but not as a screens hot which is hard to read and cannot be indexed by search engines to find it and we can’t quote from it to point out which part is the problem.

If you have a running container, you can check the logs, but if VSCode failed, I don’t this this forum is the best place for the question.