Error when trying to connect worker to swarm leader

I’m pretty new to docker and I am attempting to build a selenium test grid using Docker containers using 2 physical machines.

I came across swarm to all the 2 machine to share the docker containers network to allow the 2nd machine to attached selenium grid nodes to the 1st machines selenium grid hub.

on the 1st machine i set up the swarm

docker swarm init

and i get the following

To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4cfnr57z9uc3vr30qybox4gv54e3rzwmd7n3r6or25eb93vvqc-3crlfdzz1yny7qmnynnps2rrb

To add a manager to this swarm, run ‘docker swarm join-token manager’ and follow the instructions.

however, when I move to the 2nd machine to add as a worker I get the following error

Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = grpc: the connection is unavailable

both machines are in the same work, both are windows 10 and up to date. i did some people having the same issue and found that opening the required ports on the firewall worked but however, this did not work for me.
both machines are not in a domain, not sure if that’s a factor or not.

when i do a docker info on the 1st machine i have the following

Swarm: active
NodeID: 0ot3btk9fjgt1jh161qrxk7y6
Is Manager: true
ClusterID: qk6d2kmpzch1iddg56etq1ne9
Managers: 1
Nodes: 1
Task History Retention Limit: 5
Snapshot Interval: 10000
Number of Old Snapshots to Retain: 0
Heartbeat Tick: 1
Election Tick: 3
Heartbeat Period: 5 seconds
CA Configuration:
Expiry Duration: 3 months
Force Rotate: 0
Autolock Managers: false
Root Rotation In Progress: false
Node Address:
Manager Addresses:

my Docker version on the 1st machine

Version: 17.12.0-ce
API version: 1.35
Go version: go1.9.2
Git commit: c97c6d6
Built: Wed Dec 27 20:05:22 2017
OS/Arch: windows/amd64

Version: 17.12.0-ce
API version: 1.35 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.9.2
Git commit: c97c6d6
Built: Wed Dec 27 20:12:29 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: true

Docker version on the 2nd machine

Version: 17.12.0-ce
API version: 1.35
Go version: go1.9.2
Git commit: c97c6d6
Built: Wed Dec 27 20:05:22 2017
OS/Arch: windows/amd64

Version: 17.12.0-ce
API version: 1.35 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.9.2
Git commit: c97c6d6
Built: Wed Dec 27 20:12:29 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: true

any help on getting this resolved would be awesome