|Installé le|26/09/2023|
|Build du système d’exploitation|22621.2428|
|Expérience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22674.1000.0|
App version
Steps to reproduce
docker-update -d the -d expose the my sql 3306
or docker-update -l to expose the 3306 bdd
and then in workbench 8.0.34 V
root the good password using openssl 64 bit the correct key
can you help me i want to understand why i have acced denied !!
thanks !!
Access denied usually means the user/pass is wrong. It should not be an issue with the network, otherwise it should state “connection refused”, “not reachable”, or “could not connect”.
Steps to reproduce usually means you can share commands that we can actually run to reproduce the issue You are using commands that are not even part of the official Docker as far as I know. Unless you meant docker update and not docker-update. It is hard to help when there is not enough information or the information is not correct.
I remember when the topic was created, I saw the question, but didn’t have time to react as long as I did now. It is basically a MySQL issue, not a Docker issue. , except that you are using Docker Desktop so you could think you are connecting to localhost but you don’t. The MySQL server is in a container which has an IP address availale only in the virtual machine of Docker Desktop. That’s the IP you see in the error message.
What that error mesage means is completely MySQL related. And the MySQL server has to have a user like myuser@ “myuser” could be “root” as well. I have no idea in your case since you removed the username from the picture but later you mention “root”. A general username in MySQL could be myuser@'%' where '%' means "from all hosts` Since your traffic is routed through the docker network gateway, the you need a user in MySQL that can come from that.