Failed to start container after boot

Hi everyone!

In a nutshell, my problem is that I can’t start my container automatically. I’m running the container with the “–restart unless-stopped” flag, but after bootup the container won’t start. Actually I can’t start even with CLI, I get the following error message:

Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint node1 (4990bbbd9dbcd3048cd73ffab1e7714dd2d659b91f7ee35186883d3e0f49f84a): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

I don’t really know that is it a real issue or I’m just lame, so I would be grateful if someone could help me.
After I restart the Docker, everything will get better, but unfortunately in the real-life application it is not an option. :frowning:

I have Win10Pro.

Anybody? Currently the Docker is totally unusable for me :worried:

You may want to use swarm mode and deploy a stack to manage itself better on restarts.

Some of the discussions and resolutions offered in the following bug reports may help. Please take a look, try them, and see if they help:

I already found these topics but neither of them solved the issue. Ok, after disabling the Windows fast startup the container can start, but the problem is still exists if I just logging out and back to my Windows user. So currently there is no 100% fix. And as I saw it is not a new, rare problem, there are more than 1 year old comments about this issue. Will be ever fixed? What is the official standpoint?

I also have to restart the container to apply the mount bindings but I don’t really know why it doesn’t work. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: