Win10 + Docker Desktop
Got this error – I see others getting this error in other posts that retired.
Installation Failed
Component Docker.Installer.EnableFeaturesAction failed:
at Docker.Installer.InstallWorkflow.<DoHandleD4WPackageAsync>d__30.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Docker.Installer.InstallWorkflow.<DoProcessAsync>d__23.MoveNext()
Run this Powershell and re-install Docker Desktop.
Disable the WMI service
Write-Host “Disabling and stopping the WMI service…”
sc config winmgmt start= disabled
net stop winmgmt
Run the WMI repair commands
Write-Host “Running WMI repair commands…”
Start-Process -FilePath “winmgmt” -ArgumentList “/salvagerepository C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem” -NoNewWindow -Wait
Start-Process -FilePath “winmgmt” -ArgumentList “/resetrepository C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem” -NoNewWindow -Wait
Re-enable the WMI service
Write-Host “Re-enabling the WMI service…”
sc config winmgmt start= auto
Start-Service winmgmt
Write-Host “WMI service has been fixed and re-enabled.”