HomeAssistant in Container Station

When trying to start homeassistant in QNAP Container Station Ver: I get the following errors in the Console.

standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error.

I have the ARM processor and the ARM version of the image,

The install was exactly as per homeassistant wizard here Alternative - Home Assistant

My NAS is a TS421.

Any help appreciated.


Is that all details you get?

In the console yes. I try to start the service, it runs for a sec then stops and gives that error below in the console about half a dozen times. I removed it from the Container and reinstalled, restarted the NAS and same thing.


Tried the armv7 version?

No but I didn’t see an ARM7 version of the recommended image. I’ll look again later and will reply. Thanks.