How and why container and its image is getting deleted automatically?

I have a zeppelin container running on centos7 and on every couple of days the container and its image is getting deleted automatically, and every time i have to to docker compose up -d.

here is the log
the docker-compose yml

version: '3.7'
    image: zeppelin-docker:latest
    container_name: dev-zeppelin
    hostname: dev-zeppelin
    user: '0'
      - ./logs:/logs
      - ./notebook:/notebook
      - ./interpreter:/interpreter
      - 8888:8080
      - ZEPPELIN_LOG_DIR=/logs
      - ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR=/notebook
      - ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_DIR=/interpreter
      driver: journald
          tag: zeppelin

Docker doesn’t delete images or containers by its own.
Are you sure there is no cronjob running that causes this?

Note: a docker compose up deployment does not perform swarm deployments. Is it safe to assume that you added the swarm tag accidentally?

This node is not a swarm manager. i’ve not added swarm tag, i need to check the cron jobs to make sure that.

Good to know. I removed it now.

below are the suspicious tasks before Shutting down the zeppelin

Jan 02 06:02:01 xxxxxxxx systemd[1]: Started Session 107934 of user root.
Jan 02 06:02:01 xxxxxxxx systemd[1]: Started Session 107935 of user worker.
Jan 02 06:02:01 xxxxxxxx CROND[197871]: (root) CMD (find /tmp/. -maxdepth 1 -mmin +10 -type f -delete)
Jan 02 06:02:01 xxxxxxxx CROND[197881]: (worker) CMD (php72 /data/cli/worker/bin/booking.php health all >/dev/null 2>&1)
Jan 02 06:02:06 xxxxxxxx zeppelin[30081]: INFO [2023-01-02 05:02:06,628] ({Thread-23}[lambda$shutdown$0]:316) - Shutting down Zeppelin Server …