I assume that I have been looking in the wrong places, and that things are all in development and changing but I can’t seem to find a good place where the following items are connected in a good “how to” article:
I wish to see the default Tomcat 7 homepage from a
Tomcat 7 that runs in a container on a
Google optimized for docker container server (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/containers/container_vms)
So I have the server… following the instructions on google cloud platform
I have the docker images downloaded on that server and running with following properties:
60b206130ef1 tomcat:7 “catalina.sh run” 6 hours ago Up 6 hours>8080/tcp hopeful_hoover
I have my external IP-adress for my docker-server (I assume this would also be my docker host as far as I understand)
That server has a firewall that allows http and https traffic…
So what else do I need to do to see the homepage of Tomcat besides typing my external server ip-adress:32768 in my local browser (meaning my homecomputer)
As you may notice from the syntax that I use, I am a newbie, so be patient and ellaborative in your replies please