How do I run provisioning script at container start


I want to run some powershell script every time my container starts which modifies password for local admin account and modifies some IIS settings unique to container host.
I use “microsoft/iis” image which already specifies “CMD” parameter and it’s needed for image to run. So how do I run my custom script during container startup and pass some ENV parameters to it to modify container runtime.


You should probably override the CMD of the iis base image. You can either string together commands with ; or include a .ps1 script that does both what you need and then does what the iis image already does.

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How do I pass arguments to my custom command in such cases? I want to pass some environment variables from container host to container image during startup

docker run -e FOO=bar user/yourimage

So how my DOCKER will will look like if I go with multiple command in CMD statement. Default IIS images has “c:\servicemonitor w3svc” command.
My docker file is below

RUN powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass c:\windows\temp\script.ps1
CMD [powershell.exe, -executionpolicy, bypass, c:\windows\temp\startup.ps1;C:\ServiceMonitor.exe, w3svc]

This works:

FROM microsoft/windowsservercore

ADD hello.ps1 .
ADD world.ps1 .

CMD powershell .\hello.ps1 ; .\world.ps1

Here’s an example:

I’m trying to add those to to container but they seemed not be added after “EntryPoint” command for container image. Microsoft/IIS specifies “c:\servicemonitor.exe w3svc” as EntryPoint. So when I add “CMD” to docker file it seems to be appended directly after entry point and hence never exececuted. Do I need to modify EntryPoint instead?

My dockerfile

CMD powershell.exe .\startup.ps1;C:\ServiceMonitor.exe w3svc

Running container

PS C:\Users\admin> (Get-Container -Name iis).Command
C:\ServiceMonitor.exe w3svc cmd /S /C 'powershell.exe .\startup.ps1;C:\ServiceMonitor.exe w3svc'
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How do I pass Parameters with values to .PS1 file in Dockerfile?

I found one way to achieve this is to override the entry point and run some script at container start the approach I took was:

  1. Add a start.bat file to your image.
  2. Override the EntryPoint and run start.bat:

    ENTRYPOINT [“CMD /C start.bat”]

  3. In the start.bat file, carry out your additional logic, and then make the same call as the original EntryPoint in the base image:

    echo “starting up”
    start C:/registry.exe serve /config/config.yml
    echo “finished starting up”