Create a docker container named mysql1 for the docker image mysql/mysql-server with
tag 8.0 and running it in the background. The environment variable MYSQL_USER should be
used to create a new user in the MySQL Database Server with username demo. The default
MySQL password for the root and the created demo user should be initialized to 1234
• Create a container named mysql2 for the official image for mariadb with tag 10.6. The
environment variable MYSQL_USER should be used to create a new user with username demo.
The default password for the created user and the root should be set to 1234
What is the difference between the two containers of the username and hostname of the user accounts in the containers? And how i may view the privileges that are granted to the mysql.sys and demo
accounts with the mysql command line client in the container mysql/mysq-server container. And different permissions which are granted to the two users